Holy Spirit is a Learning Community

Studying Together

ABC Course

Join Us 7:00 Wednesday Evenings

Adult Baptism and Confirmation Preparation

This course will provide an introduction to the Christian life and the Anglican Church.

Please contact The Rev. Jack Risk with any inquiries.

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ABC Study Materials

Information to Accompany the Adult Baptism and Confirmation Course

Two Books

1. To Serve and To Love by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe. This is an ebook on Kindle.

2. Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch. Contact Jack for access to a digital file.

Book of Alternative Services

The Gunn and Shobe book makes frequent reference to the BAS. You can access it online at https://www.anglican.ca/wp-content/uploads/BAS.pdf

Climate and Environmental Justice

Materials to Guide Your Study

Diocesan Environmental Network

An active group in our diocese works to keep us informed on environmental matters. They have a website and a weekly newsletter.

Human-Caused Climate Change Inevitable and Irreversible

Read the latest IPCC report issued on August 9, 2021 which gives a comprehensive summary of the science on climate.

Kairos Climate Action Month

Kairos Canada offers five weeks of themes and actions for the Season of Creation.

Walking the Talk

This resource from the World Council of Churches offers several inspiring stories of Christian communities living according to the covenant between God and creation.


Right relations between Canada's Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Peoples

TRC Calls to Action

The list of calls to action issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada in order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation.

Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts

A film about a devastating decision, made over 500 years ago, which continues to have a profound impact on Indigenous and Settler people worldwide. Pope Alexander VI ruled that the lands being discovered by European explorers at the time was “empty” land and its millions of Indigenous inhabitants were “non-human”.

A First Look

A pamphlet produced by the Anglican Church of Canada introducing the issue of the Doctrine of Discovery

Mission and Ministry

Commitments that Guide Anglicans Around the World

The Five Marks of Mission

To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
To teach, baptize, and nurture new believers
To respond to human need by loving service
To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation
To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth

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The Baptismal Covenant

Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?
Will you persevere in resisting evil and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord?
Will you proclaim by word and example the good news of God in Christ?
Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbour as yourself?
Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?
Will you strive to safeguard the integrity of God’s creation and respect, sustain, and renew the life of the earth?

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Gospel-Based Discipleship

As Gospel-based disciples we commit:
To engage the Gospel regularly.
To take seriously our own spiritual formation.
To nurture and foster the spiritual formation of others.
To live the Baptismal Covenant.
To live as a community of disciples.
To foster reconciliation, healing and vision.
To pray and worship regularly.
To respect the spiritual traditions, values and customs of our many peoples.
To take full responsibility for our local ministries.

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Materials for the Study of Paul

Presentation Slides for the Study of Karen Armstrong's Paul the Misunderstood Apostle

Online book study conducted winter of 2021.

Paul and the Book of Acts

Acts provides a continuous narrative of the career of Paul and is often taken to be the source on early Christianity. However, it was written two generations after the letters of Paul. Starting with Acts has led to a number of misunderstandings.


Paul and Luther

According to Martin Luther Paul broke with Judaism, declared the Covenant with Israel obsolete, and wrote a theological treatise on the doctrine of justification by faith alone. Such misunderstandings still plague our view of Paul.


Paul and Women

Paul has long been used as a tool in the subjugation of women. Even some feminist scholars have had trouble with Paul. It's time to set the record straight.


Paul and Slavery

Was Paul a social conservative? Was he a defender of slavery? No but others who wrote in his name were.


Commentary on Philemon

This document gives a quick set of notes to accompany the reading of Paul's letter to Philemon. Paul's true view of slavery is revealed in this little letter.


Paul and Obedience to Authority

Did Paul tell the people he was writing to to be submissive and compliant citizens of the Roman Empire? His name has been used for centuries to justify authoritarianism.


Paul and Jesus

Paul never met Jesus and doesn't tell any of the Gospel stories about Jesus in his letters. He refers to an exalted Christ. Does this mean he had a different agenda from the historical Jesus?


Materials for the Study of Mark

Presentation slides used in an online study of Mark's Gospel spring 2020.

The History of Israel

A very quick overview of the history of Israel in the lead-up to 1st Century events and the writing of Mark's Gospel.


Jesus and the Temple

What was the Jerusalem temple and why does it figure so large in the gospel narrative?


Jesus' Mission and Movement

Seeing Jesus as a divine revealer obscures what he was attempting to do and what he accomplished in his own time. We gain a better idea by reading Mark's Gospel as a whole.


Watch Mark Performed

For a small fee you can rent or purchase a performance by Max McLean of the entire Gospel of Mark.
